Wednesday, March 30, 2011

True Blue

What a find! Going through my mom's closet the other day I found these amazing bright blue pumps! Though these shoes are from the eighties they look brand new and fit me like a glove. I always treasure those unique vintage pieces that can transform an outfit from a good outfit to an outfit that just pops! While anyone could go out right now and buy the exact same shirt and pants that I am wearing in this photo shoot, it is pretty unusual to find these exact same shoes. Having said this, I now encourage all of you to venture out of your comfort zone and try on a bizarre looking vintage piece. You may be surprised about what a positive impact that piece has on your entire outfit!

What I'm Wearing: Forever 21 blouse, Delia's black jeans, Vintage pumps, Asos necklace

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Tutorial Videos

Starting next week I am going to officially start posting my youtube videos for hair and makeup tutorials! I think it's better to post videos of hair and makeup rather than just posting photos of it so that way all of you know the step by step process! So please make sure you check back on Monday to see those videos!

My Latest Fashion Obsessions!

I have many "fashion obsessions" that do come and go. Below are just some of the random items (some fashion related, others not fashion related) that really make me happy. While I am obsessed with small accessory pieces, I am also obsessed with my dog and his permanent smile.

 Vintage Rings- Perfect for that extra glitz and sparkle factor that every girl wants.

 Sparkly Pumps- While I'm not usually a big wearer of heels due to the fact that I am 5'8", every time to time I break these babies out to show off how sparkly they are.

        My Dog- Yes, not fashion related, but I'm still obsessed with him and just had to put him up here! With his permanent bed head appearance and teddy bear fluff there really isn't anything to not love about him. 


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Fever

Spring is finally here and with this season comes cute florals, light, nude colors, flouncy and bouncy skirts, and pretty, natural makeup. This photo shoot was so much fun! What girl doesn't love to twirl around in her backyard on a sunny day?  The whole feel to this outfit was light and airy. I am pretty much obsessed with nude colors because they can go with completely anything! This ruffly top(haha don't know if that's even a word!) really complemented the plain nude khaki color of the skirt. I tried to bring out the nude details from the top by pairing it with this skirt and then bring out the bright red/pink details of the top by wearing my favorite pink lipstick! Enjoy!

What I'm Wearing: Express Top, H&M skirt, Vintage Jewelry, Dior Pink Lipstick


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to A Passion for Fashion! Although I would love to say that fashion has always been apart of my life, I would be lying to all of you, for my "ungodly" obsession with everything fashion really only occured a few years ago. Keep in mind I am only 15 years old, but despite my "ripe" age I still want to continue to deeply emmerse myself in fashion everyday. In this blog, I want to share with all of you my favorite trends of the season, my latest fashion obsessions( in which there are many), hair and makeup techniques, and an enormous amount of photos. I am so excited for what is to come with this blog! Please check back often with this blog because I will update it with new, stylish posts!